How effective is nicotine replacement therapy? It has been found that this treatment increases your chances of successfully quitting by two times.
In general, pregnancy is a huge motivating factor for women to quit smoking.
Could there actually be benefits to the smoker?
Smoking naturally boosts your metabolism and allows you to burn around 200 extra calories per day
The survival rate of the lung cancer patients is quite low.
The reality is that most people who try to quit smoking relapse eventually.
Like it or not, smoking has a number of serious consequences despite the fact that people who smoke just don’t seem to worry about them.
Use exercise to overcome nicotine cravings.
Your mind is the strongest weapon that you have on your side when trying to quit.
The number of children who smoke grows every year and the age at which they start is lower
Most people who want to quit smoking fail to realize how beneficial a healthy lifestyle can be for their endeavor.
Smoking can pose a serious risk to finding a partner.
Remember the most important aspects of craving. It is quite similar to hunger.
The nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be overcome more easily if you are determined and highly motivated to quit smoking for good.
There are a lot of traps for those who want to quit smoking. One of the major ones is social smoking.
The most trivial question one may ask is why people tend to gain weight while they are making efforts to cut down on the cigarettes they are smoking.
The first and most important aspect of quitting smoking is to decide firmly that you want to get rid of the habit.
When you choose to quit smoking using the cold turkey method, you have to stop using any tobacco products instantly
It is wrong to think that it is a sign of weakness to get help and support when you attempt to quit smoking.
Accept the fact that your friend who is trying to quit smoking will be jittery and irritable and feel down for considerable periods of time.
Many people are afraid to make an attempt to quit smoking because they have heard that the risk of relapsing is huge and that such an episode is extremely discouraging.
Procrastination is a huge mistake to avoid when you want to quit smoking.
Quit smoking with a buddy. This method has some obvious benefits.
Apart from being addictive, nicotine is a natural appetite suppressant.
If your time is full of activities, you will be less likely to think about cigarettes.
Your risk of developing lung cancer is 24 per cent higher than those of non-smokers.
The 4D's method for overcoming cravings is recommended by many doctors and it is certainly worth trying.
You may end up trapped in the vicious circle of stress when attempting to quit smoking.
The best way to quit smoking is to know what to do and what not to do.
The reality is that you will enjoy great benefits within hours after smoking your last cigarette.
the addicted smoker finds it difficult to be in a relationship as life with them can sometimes be unbearable
It is always best to have a plan when you want to quit smoking.
It is not easy to quit smoking. That is why smokers rely on all kinds of aids to get rid of their bad habit,
It is usually recommended to patients to use nicotine replacement products to quit smoking