How Smoking can Adversely Affect Your Social Life 


You need as much motivation to quit smoking as you can possibly get. One way to get even more motivated is to see how this bad habit can affect your social life negatively. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but you may have serious problems in the future. This is yet another reason for taking action now.

Smokers have now become marginalized in society. This has been proven by several extensive studies. More and more people realize the dangerous effects of smoking so they do not want to be around individuals that light up. Similarly, smoking in all public places has already been banned in numerous countries.

It is really embarrassing and uncomfortable to have to hide in order to smoke. Similarly, you would not want to see the disapproving looks of people when you light up in a public place. Imagine how your habit may affect a long business meeting if all the other people in the room are non-smokers. You would not want to be asked to sit at the corner of the table during a lunch with friends just because you smoke. In general, feeling rejected because of your habit can grow into a very serious problem and affect your self esteem in an adverse way.

Smoking can pose a serious risk to finding a partner. For the reasons describe above, many people would not date smokers. At the same time, this bad habit leads to premature aging and makes you look older than you are. This can be a very serious problem in a world in which looks are crucial for success in every sphere of life.

People that you date may not want to have a serious relationship with you because you are more likely to fall ill and die young. This may seem selfish, but this is the reality that we live in. The fear of having children with health problems is another major reason why non-smokers do not want to engage in serious relationships with smokers. Even passive smoking can affect the development of the fetus in the mother's womb.

Every aspect of your social life can be affected adversely by your habit. You would not want to miss out on opportunities to have friends and to do business. More importantly, you would not want to stay single just because of your addiction. You can quit smoking for good. It is not going to be easy, but with enough determination and with the right plan at hand, you can achieve it. You will definitely enjoy life much more as a non-smoker. 




NicoDerm CQ is a three step program.You start with the highest level of medicine and gradually step down your dose.Reduce withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine craving, associated with quitting smoking.

  • Stop-It Smoking is a 2-Part smoking cessation kit designed to help you quit smoking without the use of nicotine.
  • It works by reducing tobacco cravings, nervous tension and irritability related to nicotine withdrawal.

homeopathic approach

To Increase Your Success in Quitting:
  • 1. You must be motivated to quit.
  • 2. Use Enough - Chew at least 9 pieces of Nicorette per day during the first six weeks.
  • 3. Use Long Enough - Use Nicorette for the full 12 weeks
  • 4. Use with a support program as directed in the enclosed User's Guide.