How to Quit Smoking - The 4D's Method to Overcome Cravings


The main obstacles to quitting smoking are the nicotine cravings. They have both a physical and psychological side. Your body wants more nicotine and your mind wants the pleasure and relaxation derived from cigarettes. Resisting the temptation is not easy so you may want to use a precise method for the purpose.

The 4D's method for overcoming cravings is recommended by many doctors and it is certainly worth trying. Each D stands for an action that you need to perform. It is best to follow the set order of actions for optimal results. This will allow you to devise a routine that you can use easily and quickly anytime anywhere.

Delaying is the first one of the 4D's. Whenever you have a nicotine craving, you simply need to tell yourself that you will smoke in ten minutes. This is a sufficient time for your body to overcome the craving naturally. The need to smoke will not be stronger after this time passes provided that you take the rest of the actions described below.

Deep breathing is the next one of the 4D's. This relaxation technique has been proven to work very successfully in individuals that want to quit smoking. It is all about taking long breaths and then exhaling quickly. It is best for you to sit on a chair with your back straight. Deep breathing will not only help you relax. It will help you take your thoughts away from smoking.

Drinking water is the next step that you need to perform when following this method. By having a glass of water, you will reduce the craving. Besides, it will help you flush out the nicotine from your body so the following cravings will be shorter and less frequent.

Distraction is the last of the 4D's, but it is extremely important for the success of the method. You simply need to do something else so that you do not think about smoking. Taking a short walk or a jog in the park if you are not at work will work excellently. Some people find it useful to munch on a hard food such as carrots or candy. You may want to do a paper crossword so that both your mind and your hands are engaged.

When you have a nicotine craving, you simply need to tell to yourself that you will come back to it later, take a few deep breaths to relax, drink a glass of water and do something that will divert your mind from cigarettes. This will help you immensely when trying to quit smoking.



NicoDerm CQ is a three step program.You start with the highest level of medicine and gradually step down your dose.Reduce withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine craving, associated with quitting smoking.

  • Stop-It Smoking is a 2-Part smoking cessation kit designed to help you quit smoking without the use of nicotine.
  • It works by reducing tobacco cravings, nervous tension and irritability related to nicotine withdrawal.

homeopathic approach

To Increase Your Success in Quitting:
  • 1. You must be motivated to quit.
  • 2. Use Enough - Chew at least 9 pieces of Nicorette per day during the first six weeks.
  • 3. Use Long Enough - Use Nicorette for the full 12 weeks
  • 4. Use with a support program as directed in the enclosed User's Guide.